Last Thursday I visited ROH Projects, an art space located on the 40th floor of Equity Tower right across Pacific Place. At the end of last week, they wrapped up an exhibition titled THIRDSPACE: transit #3 which present the work of four artists including Iabadiou Piko, Fika Ria Santika, Kara Andarini and Aliansyah Caniago. The display was part of a collaboration with Selasar Sunaryo Art Space.

Tumpuk Lapis, Tampak Batas 2 (left)
Tumpuk Lapis, Tampak Batas 3 (right)
(Terkurung Hendak di Luar)
by Fika Ria Santika
Watercolor on Paper
210 x 140 cm

Tumpuk Lapis, Tampak Batas 4
Tumpuk Lapis, Tampak Batas 5
Tumpuk Lapis, Tampak Batas 6
Tumpuk Lapis, Tampak Batas 7
(Terkurung Hendak di Luar)
by Fika Ria Santika
Digital Print
Oil Paint on Transparent Acrylic and Acrylic Mirror
60 x 106 cm

Alur: Langskap 1.2 (Top)
Alur: Lanskap 1.1 (Bottom)
by Kara Andarini
Ink on Plexiglass and a Table
122 x 75 x 135 cm

Diantara Batas Malam dan Terang
by Iabadiou Piko
Acrylic, Bitumen, Pencil, Carchoal
and Aerosol spray paint on Canvas
145.5 x160.5 cm
Alur: Bandung - Fragmen 3: Waktu
by Kara Andarini
Scratches on Plexiglass
Wooden table
94 x 48 cm

Quoting Roy Voragen:
“A city is no longer a city if devoid of people, people who act in and react to the city, people who tell and are told stories about their city. Spaces and places frame life; furthermore, the ways we use these spaces and places are framed by the ways we talk about them: technically, aesthetically, morally, politically, economically, and etcetera. In this show, Iabadiou Piko, Fika Ria Santika, Kara Andarini and Aliansyah Caniago – deal each in their own way with the different layers of the body-space relationship: from the personal to the political and back.”

Self Portrait: Parallel Reality #1 (Right)
Self Portrait: Parallel Reality #2 (Left)
by Aliansyah Caniago
Digital Print on Canvas
121 x 182 cm

Iabadiou Piko
Mixed Media on Aster BC Paper
39.6 x 27.2 cm each

Dibelakang Garis Diantara Ruang
by Iabadiou Piko
Acrylic and Bitumen on Canvas
148 x 180 cm

Visiting ROH Projects and looking at the display was very fun, I really liked the exhibition unfortunately our time were cut short because we came right before the break time at about 14.00 pm. The view outside was also fantastic, I enjoyed the time looking out of the big window of the space and looking through Sudirman Central Business District from a bird eye view. Coming here I wished I have learned a bit about art history for better understanding in observing the arts and I look foward to see other exhibitions at different times. See for yourself for other things they have in the moment!
ROH Projects
Equity Tower
Floor 40E
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52-53
South Jakarta
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